Finding the five people to avoid in rehab takes clear vision. It takes a lot of courage and strength to leave your life of substance abuse behind you, and entering rehab is an enormous accomplishment. However, although a treatment center should be a welcome haven of guidance and support, helping you to build a healthier lifestyle, there are some people who you may encounter there who can hinder your recovery.

Five People, You Should Avoid in Rehab

Finding a treatment program that fits well with your goals is the key to a positive recovery experience. Your treatment center is where you will build connections and relationships with people who are like-minded and who will form the basis of your support community. Unfortunately, in any treatment center, there are likely to be some people who, rather than being beneficial to recovery, are more likely to hold you back or even prevent your progress.

In all walks of life, there are people whose missions and personas are out of alignment with yours, and they can negatively affect your life. The early stage of recovery is a very vulnerable time, and you will inevitably be more at risk of manipulation and giving in to triggers and negative influences. Choosing friendships wisely while attending our drug rehabs New Jersey rehabilitation center is essential. You should surround yourself with only positive influences. Here are five types of people you could meet in rehab who could prevent you from achieving the successful recovery you are hoping for.

  1. The Chronic Pessimist

Remaining positive isn’t easy at the best of times in recovery, but if negativity surrounds you constantly, managing your positive mindset is extremely difficult. The chronic pessimist never sees the positive side and is always unhappy, always ill, and always troubled by the small things in life. He or she is always turning situations into a negative slant and doing this could easily lead you into a similar pattern of thinking.

You will inevitably encounter challenges along the path to recovery. And, if you have a negative outlook, you will struggle to overcome those problems. Avoid the pessimists and spend time with uplifting and positive people who can support you if you’re struggling.

  1. The Warrior

Overcoming your addiction can be viewed as a battle and winning that war should be a cause of pride. Sharing your experiences and stories about your addiction during rehab is healthy and normal. However, some people take it to the extreme. They exaggerate their stories and make themselves seem tougher and stronger than everyone else. No matter what you’ve been through, they’ll have been through something worse. If you reach your goal, then they reached theirs faster.

Although this behavior is usually because they feel insecure, being exposed to that sort of person while you are in recovery often leaves you feeling bad about yourself. The Warrior is an addition to your social circle in rehab you really don’t need, especially when their stories glorify partying, using, and destructive behavior. Rehab is a time to learn that you should leave the old life behind. And, while it’s OK to talk to The Warrior from time to time, don’t allow him or her into your inner circle during your treatment.

  1. The Liar

Of course, everyone lies occasionally. But, The Liar will routinely give false information. While we know lying is a habit of most addicted people, rehab is the time when you should be focusing on honesty. Therefore, if somebody is constantly lying, then he or she isn’t really dedicated to sobriety. Surround yourself instead with people you admire and avoid people who aren’t telling the truth.

  1. The Genius

Having an open mind during rehab is essential. You are leaving your old lifestyle behind and now you are putting your trust in a process that you’ve never experienced before. Going through the process believing those around you haven’t got a clue what they’re doing will stop you from benefiting from the process. And, if you allow yourself to be influenced by those who believe they know better than everyone else, you’ll end up picking up on their mindset.

The Genius will criticize the methods and advice of the professionals and try persuading you he or she knows best. But, he or she doesn’t. Instead, befriend people who are open to learning from each other and who can support you during your recovery. Also, listen to your own body and mind. If you’re finding things are working for you and benefiting your recovery, you should carry on. You know yourself better than anyone else.

  1. The Perpetual Rehabber

Unfortunately, not everybody who goes into rehab gets sober in the end. People enter rehab for many reasons, and sometimes it’s against their own will. You will probably meet somebody who tells you he or she has been back in treatment countless times and he or she will probably come back again. While it’s a positive thing he or she is trying to improve his or her life, clearly, the process isn’t working.

Often, the perpetual rehabber is a self-sabotager. So, if you really want to get your life back on track, you should definitely avoid these people. Find like-minded people who have similar goals to you and avoid those who don’t really care about sobriety and/or their health.

Some Key Questions To Ask the 5 People You Should Avoid in Rehab

If you aren’t certain if someone you meet in rehab fits into one of these categories, there are a few questions you should ask. If you find the answer is yes to any, you should probably avoid the person in question.

  • Am I struggling to trust him or her?
  • Does he or she make me doubt my own decisions and myself?
  • Do I feel I need to keep things secret from him or her?
  • Does he or she criticize me?
  • Do I feel bad about myself if I’m around him or her?
  • Have other people warned me about him or her?
  • Do I struggle to be true to myself when I’m around him or her?
  • Is he or she slowing my personal development?

If you’re asking these questions, you’re probably already having doubts about whether you should include this person in your social circle, and that’s a red flag. If you’re in doubt, keep the person at arm’s length. You need to do what’s best for you and your mental and physical well-being.

SOBA New Jersey’s drug rehab offers a supportive environment in which you can recover and develop the tools you need to live a sober life. Contact us today to find out how we can help you to overcome addiction.